About US
We are a enthusiastic family whose dogs are family members first! We are fortunate to be able to travel to shows together with our children as a family to participate in dog events together. If you catch us at a show you will often see one of our 5 children handling the dogs in the ring.
Jessica has been involved in the Azawakh breed since getting her first Azawakh in 2008 - Voodoo. At that time the breed was not recognized in Canada but she was lucky enough to participate in the push for breed recognition and one of her Azawakh - Kahfee was included on the original application to the CKC for the breed. Martin and Jessica met in 2016 and Martin jumped in the dog world with 2 feet! You can often find him at dog shows being a fantastic ring steward or just helping with our own dogs. Martin always wanted a Bloodhound so our first Bloodhound joined the crew in 2022. We do love to let her use her nose as well for tracking. |